Don't Ignore These Tips Because It Can Affect Your Fashion Lifestyle Negatively

There are so many simple tips that contribute to or hinder our fashion lifestyle depending on how we stick to the rules or ignore it like it's nothing.
       Today i took the trouble of compiling few tips that can improve your fashion lifestyle without really spending a large chunk of your income on new clothes, bags, jewelries, shoes etc. Just calm your nerves and pay proper attention as you are reading this, I promise you that you going to learn something new here today. The rules are as follows:

1. Cleanliness
     No matter how expensive that your $300's shirt is, if it's not clean then it's worthless against a $10's top. I had a friend long ago, he used to wear a brown pant trouser more than 7 times before taking it to the laundry, if you asked him why his reply would be the dirt is not glaring enough for people to notice but unknowingly to him the trouser would be stinking already. It doesn't matter how expensive your clothes are, what matters most is how clean it is, make sure you keep your clothes clean always.

2. Pressing
        This is also important in taking care of our clothing because there are some designs that the real shape and structure of the design won't really be glaring or messed up when you didn't press it properly, let's take this design below here 👇 for an instance......

Look at the shoulder of this design, if not for the fact that the cloth is properly pressed, that design on the shoulder will be puffy and saggy that the design isn't even going to make  sense at all.
     Moreover, there are some shirts that have some hidden or not glaring patterns, until you press the clothes the beauty of the clothes may not be showed and you will definitely be amazed by the look of your outfit when you ironed it, so try to press your clothes that can be pressed for better and smarter look of your fashion lifestyle.

3. Measurement
     This also means a lot more than anything in your fashion lifestyle, make sure your designers gets the right measurement of your outfits, try as much as possible not to wear trouser that sags on your ankle, straight up trousers suits more than saggy trousers, it's even better if it's a little bit shorter than your real length as this is also one of the most beautiful styles in wearing your trousers be it man OR woman.
       Take a look at this picture below 👇 if you don't understand my illustration:
This is a picture of a teen boy wearing a three piece suit. Just look at his trouser, you can see it is a little bit shorter than his real measurement but it's still a very good style and far more better than the trouser being longer than the length of the owner.
   However when you are wearing any clothes that has a short sleeves,make sure the sleeves are not long enough to touch your elbows, it's more cute if your sleeves of average length between your elbow and  shoulder.

        I hope you have learned one thing or the other from this post, stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe to our site to be notified when new post have been published. Thanks feel free to add your own tips in the comment box under this article, thanks alot...
